Septem the 8th 1859
Dear brother these few lines are to
in form you that we are all well at
hoping these few lines will find
you enjoying the same great blessing
Mary J family is all well and
well She has had the ague some this
& i think you have forgotten
her she
has had no word from you since
last spring
you will do them a great favor
by writing them a few lines to keep them
in a good youmer James family is all well when
he was here yester day week we are going there
James tells me that you talk
of coming out this fall and bring him
a horse
i think you can bring him one that will
suit him if you have more than you can winter
had better bring two or three mor with you
mr jeffers told me that he would
take one and
winter it for its work i will say this for
him that he will keep it right as he has
[…..] the one brown mare that mother rode
when she was out here i would take one and
winter it if you have more than you can
get along with horses is selling here all the time
at fair prices if you bring one for me to winter
fetch me a mare as there is a better chance to
Second page
Rebecca had the chills and fever for
the term of one week the last of July since
that she has had something like the rheumatism
in her back
the boys have their health
first rate ever since we left Ohio and have
verry fast Now David if you
come this
fall Mary Jane says you must bring three
butter ladles and two prints the hooshers makes
use of the ladle that their mother gave them
indiana cant afford such a thing
David Rebecca wants you to go and see her
mothers folks before you start and gether all
the particulars and see how they are getting
we have not heard from them since the morning
of fathers death but we look for a letter soon
i saw Samuel Anderson last Saturday
he told me that you was all well
it has been verry dry here since harvest
it is so dry that we cant do no
seeding some
cant plow at all i have got my ground
ready to sow when ever it rains
The corn is good and about ready
to cut up
i intend commencing monday i am
going to cut all mine up i want
mr m
to go to Mansfield to the hard ware store
at the north end of main street i cant mind
his name
and see if they have halls patent
plow no 7 or 8 like the one that was
sold at my sale last fall and the price
Third page
and what the freight would be out
There is mansfields plows out here but
they are not liked verry well and i would
like to try one of them leever plows out
here i
bought a Warsaw plow last spring
it is now about pulled to pieces
what the Pittsburgh iron plow is worth the
folks out here think it impossible to make
a plow out of iron find all this out before you
start so that you can let me know
when you come out i must draw to a close
write soon Direct yours to
Sevastipool po
Kosciusko Co (in Indiana)
G Andrews to David Andrews