1855 July 30th
Dear friends I now sit down to
write a few lines
to let you know that we are all well at
present hoping
that these few lines may find you all enjoying
the same
I received your letter may the 4th and was glad
to hear that you were all well and I am verry
sorry that
I have been so negligent as not to have
written to you
sooner but I have been verry busy this summer
and I hope
that by promising to do better for the time to
come that
you will excuse me Steward and Ellen left home the 15th
of may to visit Illinois and Iowa
we have had several
letters from them they found the friends there all well except
aunt nancy Parr she has pretty good health but is verry
much crippled with the rumatism she has not walked a step
for three years and has become quite lean and
poor I
received a letter from Steward a few days ago
and Ellen had
had a little brush of sickness but was getting
about again they
are both verry much pleased with the country
and the talk
of moving there. they do not expect to be at home till the
fall we
have had a verry wet season a great deal
of rain and high
we have had a middling crop of wheat but it has been
so wet that we cannot get it into the barn and
it is growing in
the shock
it has rained every day for two weeks and it is raining
to day there is a great deal of
hay down and it is pretty much all
we have good crops of corn and oats
the oats is all lying down
and will have to be cut with a sickle
[Second page]
the friends are all well unkle
david is still putting
off that suit from time to time and what will
be the result
I cannot tell
it is still part of at his expense where the money
is to come from to pay the costs is more than
I can tell
I have it in contemplation to go out to
your country after
harvest with aunt peggy but I am afraid that
the harvest
will be so late that there will not be time
and there has
been so much high watter and so many bridges
swept away
that I am afraid that the waters
cannot be crossed if we
do go it will be some time yet as we are not
near done with
our harvest
aunt peggy has better health this summer than she had
she is able to ride on horseback some and she can
walk about and has better use of her hands
than she had last
fall and winter she has a good appetite for her victuals
it has been very healthy here this
summer there has been a great
deal of thunder and lighting and a great deal
of high watter
it injured our plank road a great deal
some four or five of
the bridges is washed off as this is a wet afternoon I thought
I would sit down and write a few lines to you
and I want
to know if I should take aunt Peggy out if
there would be
any chance of any of you to fech her home in
the fall she
says that she would rather not stay all winter
as she
would like to be at home when Steward and
Ellen comes
she would like to know before she leaves home write
us a few lines as soon as you get this and
then we
will know better how to arang
business befor she starts
no more at present but remains
yours ……
Mary Jane Andrews James
W Carrick
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