About these letters

Samuel Andrews saved his letters. Copies of some letters came to my sister Linda Sanders and I through the good graces of Marian Andrews Edward about a dozen years ago and she is currently sending the remaining letters and she and her brother have given me permission to post them online for all Andrews researchers.

Transcriptions and some original images of letters written by Andrews and Carrick family members to one another are in this collection. Somehow they were saved, either by Samuel or just stored at his home, and passed down to us today. The images online are small but if you click on an image it should enlarge to a readable and printable size. Enjoy.

Who are the people in this photograph?

DeLight Birchell Andrews sent the photo and the names a few years ago and said that this reunion was held before 1898 at the home of John G. Andrews, brother of Samuel. John lived in Campbell township, Ionia County, Michigan at that time.

Front row l to r: Mr and Mrs. S.A. Watt [friends or relatives??]; James C. Andrews; John G. Andrews; Samuel Andrews and his wife Amanda Catherine Wiles Andrews; Anna Newton Andrews and her husband Edward Andrews; David Johns [friend of the family].

Back row l to r: Henry Culler and wife [probably friends of the family]; James McFarland [cousin] ; Martha Andrews ; Carey Andrews and his wife Dazy Perry Andrews Harvey Andrews; Amos Otis Andrews; Mr and Mrs Henry Wills [friends of the family].

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

1854 01 23 Carrick, John S. to Wm Andews

Shortcreek  January 23rd AD 1854

Respected Friend   I take the preasant
 oportunity of informing you that we
are all well at preasant with the exception
 of unkle John  he is still living  when that
 is said it is all that I can say for we do
 not know how soon he will be numbered
 with the dead  he has ben very bad for three
 weeks he was 21 days without a pasage
 last Thursday  Doctor------------ succeded in getting
 a pasage but it seems as tho it did not
 do him any good, he does not suffer
 very much near so much as might
 be expected we have to sit up with him
 at nights he does not sleep much, he has
 not taken any nourishment for
 two weeks except a sup of cream once
 or twice a day.  I wrot a fiew lines
 to John soon after you left us and
 requested him to write and let mee know
 how you got home  I would haf writen
 to you some time a go but I did not
 know what to write as unkle John has
 ben very much the same as when you was
 here  he does not talk so bad as he did
 we have had a very dry winter till last
 week we had a rite smart wet spell and
one of the hail storms.  We have very
 suden chainses some days warm others very
coald  this is one of the coald ones
 I have nothing more of importance to write
  only to request you to answer this
 by the return mail.  yours respectfully
                        John S. Carrick

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