About these letters

Samuel Andrews saved his letters. Copies of some letters came to my sister Linda Sanders and I through the good graces of Marian Andrews Edward about a dozen years ago and she is currently sending the remaining letters and she and her brother have given me permission to post them online for all Andrews researchers.

Transcriptions and some original images of letters written by Andrews and Carrick family members to one another are in this collection. Somehow they were saved, either by Samuel or just stored at his home, and passed down to us today. The images online are small but if you click on an image it should enlarge to a readable and printable size. Enjoy.

Who are the people in this photograph?

DeLight Birchell Andrews sent the photo and the names a few years ago and said that this reunion was held before 1898 at the home of John G. Andrews, brother of Samuel. John lived in Campbell township, Ionia County, Michigan at that time.

Front row l to r: Mr and Mrs. S.A. Watt [friends or relatives??]; James C. Andrews; John G. Andrews; Samuel Andrews and his wife Amanda Catherine Wiles Andrews; Anna Newton Andrews and her husband Edward Andrews; David Johns [friend of the family].

Back row l to r: Henry Culler and wife [probably friends of the family]; James McFarland [cousin] ; Martha Andrews ; Carey Andrews and his wife Dazy Perry Andrews Harvey Andrews; Amos Otis Andrews; Mr and Mrs Henry Wills [friends of the family].

Thursday, November 1, 2012

1864 06 18 John G Andrews to Samuel Andrews

                                    John G Andrews to Samuel Andrews

June the 18th 1864

Dear Friends:  these are to inform
 you that we are all well at present
 hoping these few lines will
 find you all enjoying the
 same blessing   we have got in
 our own house at last  been in
 it about four weeks  we have
 a verry comfortable house to live
 in  we have it painted in side
 and out side with lime and
 sand  their is the best kind
 of haying now and has been for ten
 days past  i have been chopping last
 week i want to get three acres for
 corn and five acres more for wheat
   the boys are going to school  now we
 have a female teacher  rather a poor
 thing but we cant do no better
 now the young men have all gone to
 the war  i hope for better times soon 

i cant get no letter from james
 i under stand by your letter that
 he was drafted and has not reported
 yet i think he is verry foolish for
 not reporting but i dont blame
 him altogether  he has some friends
 that is verry bad advisers and if i
 could see James i think i could persuade
 him to do what is rite  i think he
 will have a nice time skulking
 around this winter he mite get a cold
 nose  i have wrote to D Johnston
  i think i will get all the parti
culars shortly  i have been looking
 for a letter from Joseph for a long
time  tell Mother that i will look
 for her next spring and stay
 through shugar making  i would
 like to have her come and see wheir
 we live in the back woods   if she
 takes a notion to come let me
 know and i will give you the
 rout  i will give her al
l the shugar she can carry
  i want to make a thousand pounds
 in the spring   wintering is going
 to be verry scarce hay is verry
 scarce  the straw stacks are verry
 much damaged as the fall was verry
 wet  hay is worth $30 for ton
  i could get no hay to cut on shares
  i brought home some little [p]aches of one
 of the neighbors  i got about two
and a half  the oats crop was verry
 light we had just corn enough
 to fatten two hogs  that was all
 we had to fatten as one died in the
fall the bigest and best we had 
  tell will to come out here and
 kill a deer as they are verry
 plenty  wild turkey no end to them
 but they all run safe for me
   our little girl says that she would
 like to see grand mother verry much

the markets  the close
wheat $200  corn $150
  oats 80 cts  butter 40 cts
eggs 20 cts
 we have sold $53 worth
 of butter this season

write soon and give all the particulars   yours respectfully
                                                                        J G Andrews
                                                            to Samuel Andrews
                                                                        and lady

we have got our cloth for our
 wool  we got 11 yds for pants 11 yds for
 shirts  7 yds for coats and 6 yds to
 come yet  i will send you
 a sample of our factory cloth

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