About these letters

Samuel Andrews saved his letters. Copies of some letters came to my sister Linda Sanders and I through the good graces of Marian Andrews Edward about a dozen years ago and she is currently sending the remaining letters and she and her brother have given me permission to post them online for all Andrews researchers.

Transcriptions and some original images of letters written by Andrews and Carrick family members to one another are in this collection. Somehow they were saved, either by Samuel or just stored at his home, and passed down to us today. The images online are small but if you click on an image it should enlarge to a readable and printable size. Enjoy.

Who are the people in this photograph?

DeLight Birchell Andrews sent the photo and the names a few years ago and said that this reunion was held before 1898 at the home of John G. Andrews, brother of Samuel. John lived in Campbell township, Ionia County, Michigan at that time.

Front row l to r: Mr and Mrs. S.A. Watt [friends or relatives??]; James C. Andrews; John G. Andrews; Samuel Andrews and his wife Amanda Catherine Wiles Andrews; Anna Newton Andrews and her husband Edward Andrews; David Johns [friend of the family].

Back row l to r: Henry Culler and wife [probably friends of the family]; James McFarland [cousin] ; Martha Andrews ; Carey Andrews and his wife Dazy Perry Andrews Harvey Andrews; Amos Otis Andrews; Mr and Mrs Henry Wills [friends of the family].

Friday, November 23, 2012

1908 03 08 Andrews, Ella and Joseph to Samuel Andrews

Formoso Kans
            March 8 19-8

Mr Sam Andrews

            Brother Sam and familu
I have been trying to get Joseph
to write to you for a long time but
the spirit don’t seem to move him
so I thought perhaps you would
like to kno what had become
of us.  We are all hear yet And the
most of the time are well.  Joseph
has had two or three little spells
with his head but it don’t last
veary long  he gets Dizzie spells
and Sick at his stomach aside
from that he has been Real Well
I have been having some trouble with

my back and sholdiers but to
day we are all well  I say all
there is onely three of us left
eny more  Willie went to Saint Joe
last fall to see his mama and
got a good job there and is
going to stay for a while.  We
feel lonesome without him
Davie is still in Utah working
on the Earigating Ditch.  he has
been gone five years the 12 of April
he was married last August
he may bee at home next fall if he
gets along all right. he took him
a claim and is going to try and
Improve it some this summer
Mollie and her husband are
still in Montana and are
doing Real Well. have got to
a place and built them a new
[part of page missing]

Wilma and her man are in
Saint Joe and Joe junior is at home
trying to get along in Kans
We have had a veary dry and windy
winter not veary cold and
veary little snow or rain
haven’t heard from Uncle John
folks for some time but think
will get a letter soon  they were
well when last heard from
Dott said your wife was veary
poorly  is she eny better  we wer
veary sorry to hear of her being
in such poor helth  doe hope
she is better by this time
Now I am going to close and
 hope we will hear from you
soon  I have waited for Joe to
answer this letter for so long
but next time I will doe better

and bee more prompt  if I have
to write. but now I have commenced
I will have him finish if I can
Now hoping this will find you
all well  with kindest regards
to you all I am as ever  Ella

Formoso  March 8 1908

Brother Sam Sir this is
to let you know that
we are all well  we are
having verry nice spring
some of the farmers is sowing
oats and barley I am in
hopes that we will have
better crops than we had
last year we raised
just about enoug to do us
we had verry good wheat
but not much corn
how was your crops last
year  Sam it is hard work
for me to write my hand
cramps and my eyes are poor
write soon  Jo to S Andrews

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