Seneca Sept 9th 1906
Dear Friends,
We were so
glad to get your letter
saying Aunt was still
it is such
good news
I know how
anxious you all are and
we feel so sorry for you
and do hope she will
continue to gain how I
would like to be there
if I could do something
to help her.
I have not
forgotten how good and
kind she was to us when
we had sickness and I
wish it were possible
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for me to do something
in return.
Pa is not at all well
he has had bowel trouble
several times this summer
and has been having a
time with it for over a
it began a week
ago last Friday but he
got better the last of
the past week but is
not so well today. he
cant stand those spells
like he
used to. you know
he used to get them when
we would go down to Ind
or to your place, but he
gets so weak in a few
days with it now. he
has to be so careful what
he eats. and we eat so
many watermellons
I know they are bad for
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him but we get such nice
ones and he likes them so
We are having some very
warm weather mercury
stands at 94 today and
there is not much wind
it seems to be getting
ready to rain.
We have
had rain all summer
seemingly just as we
needed it
the pasture
and roadsides never
get dry here.
they are
as green and fresh
now as in the spring.
That is the reason they
don’t raise oats here it
is so hard to get them
dry they grow good and
yield well but are liable
to get wet
before they are
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corn is a big
crop one field we know
of has ears that measure
18 inches with the husk
Our man from Ill that
was here last winter
was here again in Aug
brought his wife they
also went on down to
OK but the water there
was too rank
they both
got so homesick they
could hardly wait for
the train to take them
home They stopped here
over night on their
way home.
We thought
they would never think
of leaving Ill again but
we had a letter from
them yesterday saying
he was coming back
would have come last
Tuesday but has been
sick nearly ever since
he went home and is
not able to sit up all day
he is sick all the time
there and both times
that he was here he
was well all the time
he staid.
She wants
him to come and stay
a while and see if he
would be better and
take his time to looking
around but he cant
stay away from home
long enough to look
at more than one
farm at a trip. We
don’t really want them
to move here now for
they would get homesick
just as sure as they
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would come and you
know how unpleasant
that would make us feel.
and farthrmore we
have found him to be
quite a blow
to have an idea that
he has more money
and knows more than
these Missourians.
and he didn’t take
near as well with the
people here in town
as he would if he
hadn’t put himself
ahead so much.
here like to take a
person for what he is
not what he
thinks he is worth.
I had my mouth all
made up for a visit from
Eva White but had
a letter from
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her Friday saying she
expected to winter in
Calif and come back
in the spring.
I am
glad she is enjoying her
stay and glad she has
the sand to do it she
is working in a can
ning factory now but
expects to go back to
Riverside and pack
oranges this winter
. I have just written
Aunt Ella and I
told her to write you
. There is a family here
by the name of Doran
and we see in the paper
this week that Miss Bessie
Doran had gone to Clay
pool Ind to visit relatives
Pa says he knew several
men by that name there
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and is going to look
this man up and see
if it is any one he knew
Now I must close
please keep us posted as
to how Aunt gets along
we hope to hear each
time that she is better
love to all from
Pa and Dott
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